
An immersive sound installation from Magnetic Sound® comprised of two resonating sculptures positioned on opposite sides of the listening space.

An evolving source of sound creates an environment conducive to reflection, contemplation, or meditation.

Headphones with spoken-word recordings are available upon entry to the exhibition, offering an optional introduction to deep breathing for a relaxation response.

Contact for sales and media inquiries:

MJ Caselden



Generative: Infinite Sound

These compositions are 'generative', meaning that the software create new, unique harmonies each time the artwork is activated.


Sound as a Mandala

The intention of this installation is to offer sound + guidance to help participants move into a meditative experience.

Similar to the way that a breath or chant is a center of focus in many Eastern meditation traditions, the soundscapes function as a template for deep listening to elicit a relaxation response.


Participant Experience Flow:


Closing Statement: Relevance to NYC, Art Spaces, and Public Spaces… Why?

Thematically, Magnetic Sound systems tie together organic materials (the wooden vibrational structures) with contemporary technology, representing human-made integration with natural systems. The result is an intimate, sonic retreat. In much the same way that urban parks are dedicated sanctuaries, “Infinity” is intended as an offering of safe space and vulnerability for the public amidst an urban environment.

We contextualize the works in partnerships with parks, public spaces (and yes sometimes commercial entities in hospitality) as ways to make this experience available to different communities. We are seeking and creating beauty with an otherwise abstract technology, and with our hosting partners (which have included KnockDown Center in the past), we collectively render this experimental innovation into an offering of purpose and a series of meaningful, memorable listening experiences.

Please consider working with us to make “Infinity” available to the Knockdown Center’s guests. With good execution, these designs have the capacity to create temporary community and unity among visitors.